The SNUFF GLASS AWARD competition honors creative implementations of snuff bottles made of glass. In cooperation with the Haus zur Wildnis (information centre of the Bavarian Forest National Park), we are also awarding the special prize FOREST WITH A FUTURE.
Take part:
The award ceremony of the SNUFF GLASS AWARD will take place on 10 October 2025 in the Haus zur Wildnis in Ludwigsthal/Bayerischer Wald. Prizes will be awarded to the first three places in each of the competition categories of CRAFT, ART, DESIGN and the special prize FOREST WITH A FUTURE. The pieces will be assessed by an international jury.
Following the award ceremony, all submitted works will be exhibited for three weeks in the Haus zur Wildnis.
Set your creativity free: All glass moulding and processing techniques are possible. Other materials can be used, but glass should take centre stage. The submitted creations must be assigned to one of the following categories:
• CRAFT – Artistically sophisticated, masterly craftsmanship
• ART – Diverse interpretations with a high artistic value
• DESIGN – Prototype for serial production with high-quality design
• FOREST WITH A FUTURE – Special prize
The deadline is July 25, 2025
Further information, competition criteria and the application form can be found here.